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作者:大众娱乐    日期:2024-12-02    阅读( )
本文摘要:Google GOOG -1.13% is developing a ride-hailing service that could eventually rely on self-driving cars, Bloomberg reported Monday. The project would put it on a collision course with Uber, which in just a few years has seized a huge chunk of the existing taxi business.据彭博社本周报导,谷歌正在研发一款最后有可能将倚赖无人驾驶汽车的微信服务。

Google GOOG -1.13% is developing a ride-hailing service that could eventually rely on self-driving cars, Bloomberg reported Monday. The project would put it on a collision course with Uber, which in just a few years has seized a huge chunk of the existing taxi business.据彭博社本周报导,谷歌正在研发一款最后有可能将倚赖无人驾驶汽车的微信服务。这一项目将让这家科技巨头与Uber正面交锋,后者仅用了几年时间就榨取了出租车行业的一大块市场蛋糕。There is no word on when a Google ride-sharing service would become available to the general public, though Bloomberg reported that the company is testing a version of the service with its employees.目前尚不消息表明,谷歌的微信服务将在什么时候面向公众对外开放,不过据彭博社报导,谷歌目前正在向其内部员工测试该服务。

Google’s potential move into the market comes two years after its venture capital arm, Google Ventures, led a massive 2013 investment in Uber that valued it around $3.5 billion. Subsequent funding rounds have valued Uber at more than $40 billion.2013年,谷歌旗下风投机构Google Ventures领衔的财团向Uber投放巨额资金,使得这家微信服务商的估值超过35亿美元,此后的几轮融资更加使它的估值超过400亿美元以上。两年后的今天,谷歌要求特地上场,会师这一市场。Concerned about Google’s possible entry, Uber is considering removing Google’s chief legal officer, David Drummond, from its board of directors, according to Bloomberg, which cited anonymous sources. Drummond has been a board member since 2013.据彭博社援引电子邮件人士的消息,由于担忧这家科技巨擘的潜在攻势,Uber正在考虑到将谷歌公司首席法务官大卫o德拉蒙德请求出有董事会。

德拉蒙德从2013年起开始兼任Uber的董事会成员。Meanwhile, Uber is moving forward with plans to develop its own driverless vehicle technology and is building a research facility in Pittsburgh to explore the idea, TechCrunch reported. Autonomous cars would let Uber avoid having to share money from passengers with drivers.另据TechCrunch报导,与此同时,Uber也计划研发自己的无人驾驶汽车技术,该公司目前正在匹兹堡市创建一个研究技构,探寻该创新的可行性。无人驾驶汽车将使Uber防止与出租车司机共享乘客的微信费用。Google and Uber did not immediately respond to requests for comment.谷歌和Uber都没马上对此《财富》的置评催促。

A few months ago, Fortune wondered if Google and ride-sharing startup Uber might be on “a collision course” over dueling on-demand delivery services. But the two tech companies could be headed for an even bigger clash.早于在几个月前,《财富》就曾预测谷歌与Uber有可能在微信服务上转入“分段道”。但这两家科技公司也有可能面对更大的冲突。

Uber has already made more than its share of enemies in a series of controversies including by ignoring regulators and taking on taxi companies, some of which have sued to stop the newcomer. Uber and ride-hailing service rival Lyft have exchanged public accusations while competing for customers and drivers. A number of passengers have also accused Uber drivers of questionable conduct, including a woman in Los Angeles who accused her Uber driver of sexually assaulting her this week.人白所谓多。Uber早已陷于一系列争议,树敌颇多。很多人谴责它漠视监管,对付出租车公司,一些出租车公司甚至驳回诉讼,拒绝“打压”这位不速之客。Uber正在与另一个微信应用于Lyft抢夺顾客和司机,仍然没暂停互相公开发表谴责。


In other words, a battle with Google would only be the latest conflict for Uber.换句话说,对于Uber而言,与谷歌对付只是一长串战役中的最近一次罢了。



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